- poročanje o vseh pisnih in ustnih težavah s kakovostjo, ki jih prejme od stranke, ustreznim oddelkom na natančen in razumljiv način, s čimer se zagotovi, da se sprejmejo nujni ukrepi in jih spremlja (v formatih, kot so obrazec A3, 8D, analiza 5 Zakaj itd.)
- pravočasna zaščita strank na podlagi težav s kakovostjo, zagotavljanje, da se nujni ukrepi izvajajo in zaključijo pravočasno in učinkovito na lokaciji stranke.
- organiziranje in vodenje potrebnih korektivnih in preventivnih ukrepov za odpravo težav s kakovostjo, ki se pojavljajo pri kupcih,
- aktivna vloga v ekipi za reševanje problemov pri analizi temeljnih vzrokov problemov in spremljanje preventivnih ukrepov, sprejetih za te vzroke,
- priprava poročil o korektivnih in preventivnih ukrepih na podlagi obvestil o napakah strank ter jih pravočasno in natančno predstaviti strankam,
- izvajanje vseh aktivnosti za doseganje ciljev strank PPM, rangiranja in drugih kazalnikov kakovosti,
- priprava poročil o korektivnih in preventivnih ukrepih na podlagi obvestil o napakah odjemalcev v obliki, ki jo določi odjemalec in jih ob odobritvi vodje kakovosti poročati odjemalcem,
- zagotavljanje, da se statistični podatki v zvezi z dajatvijo redno hranijo in poročajo,
- dnevna udeležba na terenskih sestankih ASAKAI ter spremljanje in nadzorovanje dejanj v zvezi s problemi,
- priprava ustrezne dokumentacije za vse v tovarni implementirane sisteme vodenja in izpolnjevanje sistemskih zahtev,
- spremljanje presojevalca pri certifikacijskih presojah tovarne s strani tretjih oseb ter pri presojah strank in predserijskih presojah, po potrebi deluje kot pilot. Glede na rezultate revizij procesov strank priprava načrtovanja ukrepov, poročanje stranki in ustreznim organom v podjetju ter spremljanje ukrepov.
- priprava preventivnih ukrepov v primeru predvidevanj težav s kakovostjo. Spremljati načrtovane preventivne ukrepe in zagotavljati njihovo izvajanje. Poročanje stranki in odgovornim v podjetju z dokazi o rezultatih preventivnih ukrepov,
- sodelovanje na sestankih za kakovost in podpora sodelavcem pri spremljanju ukrepov,
- aktivna vloga pri posebnih projektih, ki jih ustvari naročnik,
- izvajanje presoje procesov in presoje izdelkov, načrtovane v podjetju. Objava revizijskega poročila na ustrezne portale in spremljanje ukrepov,
- upravljanje v procesih oddelka v objektu na območju odgovornosti, skladno s cilji Sistemov vodenja, v skladu s standardi sistemov vodenja IATF 16949, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, ISO 50001, VDA 6.1.
- Reporting all written and verbal quality problems received from the customer to the relevant departments in an accurate and understandable manner, ensuring that urgent actions are taken and followed up (in formats such as A3 form, 8D, 5 Why Analysis, etc.)
- Initiating customer protection based on quality problems, ensuring that urgent actions are carried out and completed in a timely and effective manner at the customer site.
- To organize and lead the necessary corrective and preventive actions to eliminate quality problems occurring with customers.
- Playing an active role in the problem solving team in root cause analysis of problems and follow-up of preventive actions taken for these causes.
- To prepare corrective and preventive action reports based on customer error notifications and to present them to customers in a timely and accurate manner.
- To carry out all activities to achieve the targets of customer PPM, ranking and other quality indicators.
- To prepare corrective and preventive action reports based on customer error notifications in the format specified by the customer and to report them to customers with the approval of the Quality Manager.
- To ensure that statistical data related to the duty is kept regularly and reported.
- Attending daily in-field ASAKAI meetings and monitoring and controlling actions related to problems.
- To prepare relevant documents regarding all management systems implemented in the factory and to fulfill the system requirements.
- Accompanying the auditor in factory 3rd party certification audits and customer series and pre-series audits, acting as a pilot when necessary. According to the results of customer process audits, planning actions, reporting to the customer and the relevant authorities within the company, and monitoring the actions.
- Taking preventive actions for quality problems. To follow up planned preventive actions and ensure their implementation. Reporting to the customer and those concerned within the company, with evidence of the results of preventive action.
- Participating in on-site quality meetings and supporting teammates in following up on actions.
- Taking an active role in special projects created by the customer.
- To carry out process audits and product audits planned within the company. To publish the audit report to the relevant parties and to follow up the actions.
- To manage department processes in the facility within the area of responsibility, in line with the Management Systems objectives, in accordance with IATF 16949, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, ISO 50001, VDA 6.1 management system standards.
- Graduating from engineering faculties of universities.
- Having knowledge and experience in project management and engineering applications in the automotive industry.
- Having knowledge and experience in sheet metal form and welding technologies.
- Experienced in system applications to popularize the lean production management system (Value Stream Mapping, Kaizen, 5S, TPM, etc.)
- Experienced in Project Management, efficiency and capacity studies
- Took part in work study and process improvement studies,
- Advance level of English
- Able to use Microsoft Office Programs effectively,
- Being able to analyze and report regularly.
- Thinking analytically, working carefully, meticulously and result-oriented.
- Being strong in research and focused on development and learning.