Sales engineer for Heat Pumps
NGEN is a leading company in the renewable energy sector, focusing on innovative energy storage solutions. As a pioneer in Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), NGEN is dedicated to supporting the global energy transition towards sustainability and carbon neutrality. Recent successes include the deployment of advanced energy storage solutions and the integration of renewable energy systems across Europe. NGEN’s proprietary software and smart grid technologies have empowered large industrial consumers, households, and utilities to optimize their energy use, reduce costs, and enhance grid stability. The company’s commitment to innovation has made it a key player in the European energy market
We are seeking a skilled and results-driven Project Department lead to lead our project development initiatives in Slovenia and Croatia. Based in Žirovnica, the Project Department lead will oversee the development and execution of battery storage systems, across these markets. This role will manage all phases of project development, from planning to deployment, ensuring alignment with NGEN’s strategic goals. The position also involves providing commercial and technical support throughout the project lifecycle, building relationships with key stakeholders, and ensuring successful project delivery in line with market regulations and business objectives.
• Provide technical training to installation partners to ensure correct installation, maintenance, and operation of heat pump systems.
• Provide technical expertise and customized solutions based on clients’ specific energy needs, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency of heat pump installations.
• Collaborate closely with product and engineering teams to ensure accurate system sizing, seamless integration, and successful implementation of heat pump solutions tailored to customer requirements.
• Create technical documentation and supportive video material to assist installation partners and customers in understanding product functionality and best practices.
• Achieve sales targets and key performance metrics, maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction by offering continuous support, troubleshooting, and after-sales service.
• Cultivate and maintain strong relationships with clients, stakeholders, and industry partners, serving as a trusted advisor to drive long-term business partnerships.
• Monitor and analyze competitor activities and market trends to identify opportunities for differentiation and improve NGEN’s market positioning.
• Attend industry events, exhibitions, and client meetings to showcase heat pump solutions, stay updated on technology advancements, and strengthen brand presence.
ščemo usposobljenega in k rezultatom usmerjenega vodjo projektnega oddelka, ki bo vodil naše pobude za razvoj projektov v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem. S sedežem v Žirovnici bo vodja projektnega oddelka nadziral razvoj in izvedbo sistemov za shranjevanje baterij na teh trgih. Ta vloga bo upravljala vse faze razvoja projekta, od načrtovanja do uvajanja, pri čemer bo zagotavljala usklajenost s strateškimi cilji NGEN. Položaj vključuje tudi zagotavljanje komercialne in tehnične podpore v celotnem življenjskem ciklu projekta, vzpostavljanje odnosov s ključnimi deležniki in zagotavljanje uspešne izvedbe projekta v skladu s tržnimi predpisi in poslovnimi cilji.